• Leicester

From 21-22 October the Street Orchestra of London will be performing in public spaces around Loughborough and Leicester, including a hospital, a leisure centre and a festival. If you're in the area, go and watch one of their free performances!

DAY 1: Saturday 21st October (Leicester)
2:45pm: Wyggeston Hospital
6.00pm: African-Carribean Centre Fashion Show (for Leicester Black History Month Celebrations)
7:30pm: African-Carribean Centre Fashion Show

DAY 2: Sunday 22nd October (Leicester/Loughborough)
10:30am: Queen Elizabeth Leisure Centre (poolside)
1:30pm: Loogabarooga Festival/Loughborough 'Comic Con' 
3:30pm: Loogabarooga Festival/Loughborough 'Comic Con'

Keep an eye on Street Orchestra of London's social media feeds for any last-minute updates. They're on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

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