Celebrating IKLECTIK’s 7th anniversary and the return of live music, pioneering experimental labels, publishers and magazines have been invited to take part in a 2-day event full of talks, interviews, panel discussions, live acts and DJ sets.
Kicking off the programme, we’ll be presenting a Nonclassical DJ set on the Saturday, which will be followed by a series of talks and DJ sets. Our stall will be up all weekend where we'll have a selection of merch on sale, including our latest releases from Langham Research Centre and Rolf Wallin. Taking place in the heart of London Waterloo, come and say hello and enjoy the craft beer and local food.
Aloes books / CHAMPION VERSION / Chinabot / CLOT Magazine / Colliding Lines / Earshots / Editions AcquAvivA/ Flaming Pines / Fractal Meat / Goldsmiths Press / isolarii / Linear Obsessional / NONCLASSICAL / Paradigm Discs / Phantom Limb / Psyché Tropes / Repeater Books / Salmon Universe / Sig’il Records / Studio C plus / The Wire / Touch / More TBA
Sat 17 Jul | 12pm–7pm
Nonclassical DJ Set
CLOT Magazine Talk Hybrid Spaces (guests TBA)
Graham Dunning DJ Set [Fractal Meat]
A’Bear DJ Set
Jon Wozencroft Sound Seminar [Touch]
Sun 18 Jul | 12pm–7pm
Deep Learning: Richard Pike & Joe Quirke DJ Set [Salmon Universe]
Psyché Tropes DJ Set
The Future of Record Labels Panel Discussion (guests TBA)
o.utlier DJ Set
More TBA
1 day pass £3
2 day pass £5