• Conference Rooms (map)
  • Hannover Congress Centrum
  • 30175 Hannover, Germany

This event is part of Classical:NEXT – a global conference of professionals for all sectors of classical and art music.

Chaired by Nonclassical Executive Director Natalia Franklin Pierce with Shane Burmania (music programmer, Muziekgebouw/Korzo/Wonderfeel) and Sean Hickey (composer and label director, Pentatone, Naxos).

Streaming services have led to a culture where listening uninterrupted to an album from start to finish has gone, in favour of the playlist or 'radio' listening. This has had an interesting side-effect: with genre silos and the confines of a collection removed, the potential for the discovery of classical music thanks to algorithms and curated playlists opens up.

What can we learn from this as promoters of classical music? Do we need to move away from our traditional genre labels and use more descriptive terms for our art? How can we (re)present classical music in a way that naturally fits into the cultural perspective of generation 'stream'?

What is Classical:NEXT?

Classical:NEXT is the global networking and exchange hub dedicated exclusively to classical and art music, for all professionals – artists, managers, presenters, orchestras, labels, educators, press, media, publishers and more.

Classical:NEXT consists of an interactive conference, project pitches, showcase concerts, expo, innovation award and networking.

By taking part in Classical:NEXT, you join over 1,000 professionals from more than 45 countries worldwide.