We Break Strings launch — nonclassical

In 2014, in celebration of our 10th anniversary, we published We Break Strings (written by Thom Andrewes, with photos by Dimitri Djuric). We Break Strings is a book documenting the rise of the alternative classical music scene in London through photographs, interviews and essays.

The book has recently become the inspiration behind a new website, We Break Strings - a listings and news site, allowing you to find London’s best, weirdest and most genre-pushing nights, records and music videos. 

Visit the new We Break Strings website >>

The We Break Strings book looks into the alternative classical music scene that emerged in London over 10 years ago. Composers and musicians began presenting their music in non-traditional ways, catering for the growing demand for contemporary music to be played outside of the concert hall. Venues such as warehouses, pubs, car parks and nightclubs are now frequently used to perform contemporary music in, with the venues playing a big part in this new music movement.

Thom Andrewes records his conversations with over 30 musicians, composers and promoters, giving an insight into the complexity of the movement’s ideas, as well as showing the motivations and influences behind the music. Short essays are used to examine the social, cultural and aesthetic implications of this music scene, whilst Dimitri Djuric uses photography to show the behind-the-scenes work of musicians and composers during performance and rehearsals.

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